Come Play With Us!
A Play Street is a neighborhood block or a few blocks that residents apply to temporarily close to car traffic and transform into a place where neighbors of all ages are free to gather and play in their favorite ways.
A Play Street is a neighborhood block or a few blocks that residents apply to temporarily close to car traffic and transform into a place where neighbors of all ages are free to gather and play in their favorite ways.
Play Streets are typically one day, lasting 4 – 6 hours, and can occur on a regular basis (e.g., weekly, monthly). Play Streets are already a fun and important part of daily life in U.S. cities -- like New York City, San Francisco, and Seattle -- and internationally in Denmark and the UK. We want to bring the same fun and opportunity to our city!
You, your neighbors, or favorite community organization decide when and where you want to play and then work with us to make it happen.
Play Streets remind us that, even in LA, streets can be used for more than just moving cars and parking. They can be places for conversation, exercise, and fun for people of all ages.
The Play Streets 'Box of Play' provides all the things you need to have a good time! On a play street you can discover, relax, and create your own fun.
Parks are often the most common public spaces for play in our city, but only 30% of all Los Angeles residents are within walking distance to one? Play Streets is on a mission to change that. Play Streets give you and your neighbors new places for walking, biking, and play of all kinds, while making your community safer and healthier in the process.
It helps our minds and bodies recuperate, and helps us build new skills, friendships, and healthy habits. Play can be organized (like a soccer game), or free-form (like wiggling), or anything in between. The best part is, play isn’t just for kids - it’s for all Angelenos!
Play Streets is a program that enables Angelenos to temporarily close down their streets to cars and transform them into places for play, learning, and fun for all ages!