Confirm you live in the City of Los Angeles and the project proposal is within the City of Los Angeles boundaries.
After the pilot phase which ran from 2016 to 2020, the Play Streets program has since been expanded to the rest of the City of Los Angeles. While all communities in Los Angeles qualify for a Play Street, LADOT is prioritizing communities that have the highest park need, communities that were adversely affected by Covid-19, and communities with the closest proximity to High Injury Networks (HINs). Please see interactive map for your reference:
Choose a street.
Use the map to find out what streets/communities are being prioritized. Play Streets are usually one-block in length. LADOT will consider proposals for two-block Play Streets upon LADOT’s and StreetsLA’s feasibility approval.
Find someone on the street to be the Street Supporter.
The Street Supporter must live on the street or have strong connections to the neighborhood, and they are responsible for giving their contact information and completing the application.